It’s another two picture day because a picture paints a thousand words. I have here an egret, very quiet and still and watchful, just conveniently round by the Fishermen’s Quays. And then, along one of the little alleyways that are part of old Poole and can be defended by a single pikeman (A pike is a long stick with a spike on the top. When the children were small, I joined in with activities with them so I am a qualified pikeman should you ever need one). Sorry, I wandered off, but look at this artwork. Isn’t it gorgeous?
It was cold down on Harbourside and the Quay today, with a brisk wind, but nothing compared to what America is coping with. Dear Lord, how awful that looks, so I hope that you and yours are all safe and well. Really, the same goes for everyone because it’s a sad old world at the moment and yet there are moments of sunshine in it.
Not really much else to say today, except for ‘stay safe and take care and here’s hoping for better times.’