The next Amy Hammond is out in early September, so I’m heading towards finishing the projects that ‘she’s’ been working on, and, as I do after midsummer every year I’m thinking about my winter sewing. I know I want to quilt the red and green cross stitch stars to make an unusual Christmas quilt, and I’m making a snowflake hexagon grandmother's flower garden quilt which I plan to do over a couple of Christmases. I’m also appliquéing motifs on plain and striped tops to brighten up my wardrobe on the cheap and making some banners. (No, not THAT sort of banner, as Amy will explain to a nice policeman.) Not ‘We want fabric and we want it now.’ Or “Anyone who makes you leave a craft shop before you’re ready should be locked up.’ But pretty embroidered banners with messages on them.
Currently, I’m planning ‘Make a wish on a starfish’ and “Please do not feed the sharks or pester the mermaids’ They’ll be embroidered and then edged with gorgeous seaside fabric and then quilted and hung from a lovely wrought iron frame in the corner of my living room. I’m also planning banners for Easter, Valentines Day, our wedding anniversary and birthdays in this batch and I want to do others for Halloween and Midsummer and just about anything else I can think of that I want to celebrate.
Because, you see, I think celebrating is very important and that it’s best not to celebrate great big things with a massive build up followed by an anticlimax. Instead, I like to find things to be happy about on a small scale. Tuesday for instance. I don’t think we celebrate Tuesdays anything like enough and it’s when my grocery delivery comes so I add a little treat to it. Thursday is market day, so that means cake, which always makes me happy. I’m planning to bake a new cake, cookie, biscuit or bread recipe on Saturday just because I want to and then I'll celebrate by eating it.
So who cares if it’s raining as I type this? Not being able to go for a lovely long walk gives me more time to scheme and plan and sort out as I move away from my old life and settle into this latest stage and make the most of every minute. What’ll you be doing this week? Please let me know…
Oh, and BB the baby seagull is currently annoying his poor mum and dad so much that they’re supervising him from the next chimney pot down. And don’t we all recognise that feeling? ‘Feed me!” “Feed me!” ‘I want to fly but I haven't grown my wings yet…’ And it’s only three weeks to go till the long school holidays and less if you live in Scotland. Oh, I’m so glad my children are past that stage…
And here are pictures of him, and a completed banner.
