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Storms and snuggles

It’s been cold and snowy here in Poole, even though it didn’t settle. I know I’m a right wuss compared to so many of you but one of the many lovely things about living close to a wide shallow Harbour that is either the biggest or the second biggest in the world depending on how you measure it is that we shouldn’t get this sort of weather. And really, we didn’t, but I thought you’d like to see my snowy garden and snigger and tell me about what proper snow looks like.

I don’t do well in the cold so it’s been an indoor week, which I hate. Still, I have the Christmas china out and clean and ready and the summer china packed away and the top of the freezer where the Christmas tree goes, safely out of range of cats, is all cleaned and cleared and dusted ready for next Sunday. All the dust bunnies and cobwebs have been evicted and my Christmas orders are all in. I’ve enjoyed cooking and getting ready for Stir up Sunday, which is today, and reading cookbooks and books on preparing for Christmas, some of which go even more over the top than I do and they have given me all sorts of ideas.

I’ve also rejigged my work schedule so thanks to all the lovely people who enjoyed the ‘By Special Request’ collection enough to want some summer stories too. All going well, they’ll be out in June because my head is happily filling with ideas. I’m thinking shameless romance, fluff, ice cream, sunshine and a chance to pop in to see some of my characters, including those who didn’t get a book to themselves. At the moment, I’m thinking of calling it ‘A Summer Affair’ unless anyone has any better ideas.

I’ve been in Amy’s world this week, so I’ve enjoyed a Regency Ball and I’m currently at Swansmere for an historic-themed December with customs and fun and frolic and lots of good food and only the odd attempted murder and a few links to organised crime… This, for me, is the best thing about being a writer, along with all the people who take the time to join in my games. It doesn’t matter what I can and can’t do. My characters can do it for me, which gives me an idea for a Christians Cross short story, so off I go to make notes, exactly as Jane Austen once did, although obviously I’m not in her league.

Have fun till we meet again, and by then I shall have been out again once Storm Bert has passed. Please stay warm and take care and find someone nice to snuggle up with, even if it’s only a cat…


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