I’ve been out for a walk too and seen the frost melting and savoured the break in between storms. I know I’m lucky because things are so much worse for other people but I’m getting a bit tired of storms and wind and rain. The cats are currently indoors with their tails tucked over their noses while they take ownership of the most comfortable spots and I can smell lunch cooking. It’s hog roast, which I’ll serve in homemade French bread rolls with stuffing and apple sauce and tomorrow I’m going to have a go at a chicken pie to serve with mushrooms, onion rings and roast potatoes with syrup sponge for afters..
My wardrobe is sorted out and some clothes have been passed on and I’ve made lists of gaps that need to be filled before the summer that currently seems to be such a long way away. The ironing is done and I’ve finished the first draft for next year’s Esther and the Professor so it’s at the research stage. Now I’m revising a set of interlocking Amy Hammond books, so this is a break between 3 summer short stories. One of them involves a Regency festival, so I’ve been copying Jane Austen’s embroidery style which is a lot harder than it looks.
Here’s the piece that I just finished and I’m quite pleased with it and am learning from it. It's going to be one of a set of 4 cushions, bordered with a gorgeous turquoise Asian style fabric.

So that’s about it for this week. Here’s hoping life will get more interesting in a good way before we meet again on Wednesday. Till then, take care and stay safe.