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It's been one of those weeks...

My husband regularly and resignedly says ‘This could only happen to you' and he is, of course, almost certainly right as he likes to think he usually is. I like to say that most things happen because I’m the sort of person who can’t resist going to have a look at anything that might be interesting when other, quite possibly saner, people get on with whatever it was that they were planning to do. That’s how I found an English Civil War reconstruction when we went for a day out on a steam train and when we started to fall in love with historic reconstructions. I’m the sort of person who’s prepared to stand patiently with a camera when someone tells me that there might be terrapins in a park lake when others say it’s a legend. (I have photographic evidence. They’re real! Isn't that amazing?)

The last couple of days have been weird even by my standards. I bought a lovely stripey top on eBay which is, of course, entirely different to all my other lovely stripey tops. My husband can’t see this, but then he reckons that a t-shirt is just getting comfortable when I think it looks as if he came off second in a battle with a zombie. So it arrived and I unpacked it, and was intrigued by the sticker saying ‘contains bladed article’ because a t-shirt isn't usually an offensive weapon, is it? But I provided my ID and unpacked it and I promise not to stab anyone with it. (I suppose I could throttle someone with it instead but it’s much too nice to want to do that.)

Then the nice delivery driver came back and said he’d given me the wrong parcel. He wanted to swap it for another one which was nothing like anything I was expecting so I showed him the packaging for my top and then opened the other one and found it full of empty loo roll inners. So I emailed the seller, and she said ‘oh no, I’ve sent the wrong parcels’ and me, being me, had to ask why you’d sell someone what looks like 50 loo roll inners.

It turns out that she sells them for growing sweet peas in, which wasn’t anything like as much fun as what I’d come up with. I’d got everything from fraud to this is what I think of you! So I’ll post it on for her and she’ll refund me via eBay and something will crop up in a book sometime and you’ll know where it came from.

I also managed to get out for a proper walk two days running but I had to scream at my daughter yesterday because a pair of young swans were coming in to land on the sea and losing height till they were literally inches above her head. Swans are big, you know, and they have amazingly long necks and their wings go whoompf, whoompf, whoompf. Luckily she looked up in time to duck, if you see what I mean and neither swans nor daughter were harmed. That was just as well, because can you imagine trying to explain that in Accident and Emergency? Here’s a picture of one of them, safely on the water and on the scrounge for the grain she usually carries with her…

So that was the second half of my week. I wonder what next week will bring? I’ve always wanted to see a ghost or a UFO… And has your week been weirder? I'd like to know it's not just me...


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