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Down to work…

According to the British Meteorological office who know about such things, spring ends on Friday, to be replaced by summer (and yes, I know you already know that, but I keep thinking if I say it confidently enough it might actually happen.) Realistically, I can’t remember a year since before the children were born that it was so cold and grey that I was still in long sleeves and cardigans at the end of May. Or so much wind and rain. I understand that we’re stuck in low pressure, but the BBC claim temperatures are above average. Hmm… I know what I normally do at this time of year and what the garden should be doing and it isn’t doing it and nor am I!

Which means more indoor time, which in turn means more writing and sorting out in the sewing room and discovering so many things I hadn’t realised I’d got. If the world is facing a white and cream quilting thread shortage then I’m truly sorry because I know where it all is! It’s now nicely stored in a cantilevered sewing box so I can put my hands on it whenever I want to. My embroidery threads are mostly in boxes, but not fine sorted yet, which isn’t my fault because I have given a home to loads of embroidery threads, including lots in boxes of 12 from a friend’s aunt whose family wanted them to go to someone who’d use them and treasure them. It’s quite worrying that I seem to be running a teapot and embroidery sanctuary, but I do understand people’s feelings that they won’t use them once the relative who did use them has gone or can’t do it any more but they want them to be loved.

Hobbies get to you like that, don’t they? And so does sitting down in the afternoon with a nice cup of tea and a biscuit. I know we hear a lot about how we’re all having busy active lives, but sometimes I wonder how much of what we’re doing is actually necessary. After all, the average daily usage of social media worldwide as at April 2024 is apparently two hours and twenty three minutes. I’m obviously really bad at this sort of thing because I spend half an hour or so a day on it, mainly catching up with friends via Facebook Messenger. Which, by my calculations, gives me an extra hour and fifty seven minutes. That’s enough time for a six mile walk. Or to cook a special meal and do a three mile walk. Or to read, or curl up with that cup of tea. Or to write.

So this week I did some of those things. I had a lovely walk round the park to enjoy all the baby birds who are growing up nicely despite this gorgeous heron. I only noticed him or her because I wondered why there weren't any other waterfowl around.

I also tried out a gorgeous Womens Institute recipe for an apricot and walnut tea bread which is good without local butter and amazing with it, and it’s got wholemeal flour and fruit in it so it’s got to be healthy, hasn’t it? And I’ve finally started a new Lucy Williams book and I’m enjoying spending time with her, especially since her life is a lot more complicated than mine. Best of all, no one ever shoots at me at all…

I hope they don’t shoot at you either and you have a good week no matter what the weather. See you on Wednesday, with a fair wind and following seas...


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