I do try not to make the blog into too much of an advert, but I've been hard at work and don't have much interesting to talk about so I thought you’d like to know a little bit about what’s coming soon.
On March 7th, there’s the first book in a new series that sort-of follows on from Lavender House but without a resident ghost. It’s a new experiment for me because I wanted to focus on people who are in the third stage of their lives. Not old, exactly, because I don’t believe that old age is what it used to be (assuming that it ever was.) Just not as young as they were and coping with loss and new love and the complications of a body that doesn’t work as well as it once did. Their stories are entwined with that of Hannah and Liam. Hannah works as an administrator at a retirement complex on the lovely Sandbanks coast where she meets nurse Liam, who’s the grandson of one of the residents. He’s newly divorced and burnt out and she’s making herself a very different kind of life and they’re both fed up with well-meaning advice. It’s called ‘PICKING UP THE PIECES’ because that’s what we all often have to do.

On April the 4th, there’s a slightly different Shadows story coming out under my Eleanor Neville pseudonym. It’s set in the run up to World War Two, which I’m sure you’ve worked out is one of my favourite periods, and based in Austria and Germany. It’s been quite scary writing it and seeing all the parallels to today but at least I can make sure that everyone who deserves it gets a happy ending.

Then, in May, there’s ‘Death by Misadventure’ which is the next Amy Hammond and I’m pleased to say that there are two more after that in the works. This one gives more of an insight into Peter’s life and introduces some new sidekicks for him and Amy now that Colin and Becky’s story is told. They’ll still be around but I think you’ll like Luke, who looks good in dress uniform and better still in a wetsuit, and the conspiracy theorist Bob Reed who’s about to realise that the Deep State isn’t quite what he’s always been sure that ti was.

I’m on a roll when it comes to writing first drafts at the moment, so there are six new Windy Bay’s either written or ready to write, and there’s another Esther and the Professor that’s almost ready to go. There’s also another Lucy Williams but it keeps getting pushed back as inspiration hits. And yes, I know that I said I was going to get a better work/life balance but my family don’t mind the new Windy Bay book because its underlying theme is getting to know someone through the cookery and craft books she left behind when she died so I’m currently cooking my way through Delia Smith’s cakes and her cookery course…
Take care till we meet again, and let’s hope it finally stops being so wet and windy. We actually had a tornado warning on Thursday which was a first. Thankfully, we didn’t get one, but I kept thinking about the Wizard of Oz!