As it always does, no matter how it seems at the time. It’s Tuesday as I write this and I had an amazing walk on Monday along Harbourside, where I took this picture.
Seaweed washed all across the path, the cycle track and onto the grass beyond and so many oystercatchers on the flooded ground that will stay that way till spring now, much to the delight of the over-wintering birds and the dogs, because it’ll be warmer than the sea. It’ll also be a lot muddier so I’m not sure that their pet humans will be so happy. I thought I’d share that with you too.
I also made Cattern cakes on Monday in honour of St Catherine and realised that I like caraway seeds, but today and tomorrow are hospital and doctors days for my husband so I won’t relax till they’re over. But when they are, no matter what the outcome, it is going to be full steam ahead because life is mostly wonderful and always precious and scarily fragile so I intend to make the most of having the people I love around me for as long as I can.
Till then, I can’t concentrate properly so it’s time to catch up on boring but necessary jobs and preferably get ahead of them. One of those is the weekly special offers so here goes with this weeks;
First and foremost, there are the first 4 in the Amy Hammond Cosy Mysteries, just in time for the new one to come out next week. They are Wasted on the Young, Up the Garden path, A stitch in time and the Prodigal Daughter. It amazes me how far I’ve come since I wrote them, and the same goes for Amy and Peter. Laugh all you like, but I’m very pleased for them.
After that, there are two from the gentle and traditional Oldcastle series, which is perfect for going to sleep with at the end of a difficult day. There’s a new one of those out in January too, and they are The Wrong Twin and Kings of the Castle.
Finally, there are two from the Shadows series that I write as Eleanor Neville. A little naughtier, a little nastier world, but still good triumphs and boy meets girl, or the other way round. Guardian Angel is a nice one to start with because it focuses on how well you know people and what happens when you need a hero; and can you become on yourself? Daymare is fun, and came from me realising that actually, I’m quite glad that my husband can’t read my mind! Think of the trouble I’d be in…
Come Sunday, this stressy phase will, God willing, be over and I’ll be heading full scale into Christmas. Till well, stay safe, stay warm or cool, and if you’re facing darkness, I’ll be thinking of you as I know you’ll be thinking of me.